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Age: 24

Birthday: June 30th 1988

Eye Color: Grey blue

Hair Color: Dark brow, cut medium-short

Height: 6'2

Weight: 194 lbs

Orientation: Gay


A 2009 Ford F-150, bought used in early 2011 when his old truck was crushed in a car accident in which Matt suffered minimal injury.

An two bedroom one bathroom apartment in a building in downtown Chicago, Illinois. Suite 408.


A plethora of information will become available on my blog as I post more information about Jason and Matt, including transcripts from the Roleplay.

Matthew works at a local downtown restaurant, The Dish. It is owned by a friend from culinary school, Gabriel McCray. While all Matt ever wanted to do was cook, Gabe was interested in the business side. A few years older, the two had only one year together in school before Gabe graduated and opened his own restaurant  offering 19 year old Matt a job despite his still being in school. Now, five years later, Matthew has moved his way up to head chef.


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